A Warm Fall Day {Washington DC Family Photography}

This was one of my favorite families to photograph last fall. These boys are SO fun and full of antics and giggles. They both have awesome smiles and are up for anything. On this particular fall day it was extremely warm and not quite as crisp and fall like but I'm so glad we got to capture them again and see how they've grown.

Big Kids in the Garden {Washington DC Family Photography}

As I'm sure you've seen around here its usually tiny babies and toddlers. I rarely see teenagers so this was a lovely change of pace. They can stand still, take direction, and I didn't need to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider. And this little girl had just lost her first tooth so it was fun to capture her new little smile. Thanks for a fun afternoon.

Five Months Old {Washington DC Family Photography}

Sometimes babies just don't want to smile. Which is fine, except when parents want pictures of them smiling. Well, this little guy got the message and was one of the smiliest babies I've ever photographed. He was almost constantly smiling and giggled away at all my fake sneezing and weird noises. Their adorable and energetic pup added a whole level of fun to these photos. I loved photographing this family and am glad I got to capture them at this stage In their lives.

Beautiful Morning in DC {Washington DC Family Photographer}

This family might look familiar. I've been photographing these dear friends since this not-so-little guy was born. He's always had this huge smile with a great personality which makes it so fun to photograph him. It has been almost 2 years since I've had him in front of my camera and I was happy to see nothing had changed! We had perfect lighting that day with the early morning sun shining through in beautiful Bishop's Garden. All of this made for a beautiful morning.


Bright Eyed Baby Boy {Washington DC Baby Photography}

Three month olds are sometimes hard to capture. They're squirmy or unpredictable and not quite newborn but not quite baby. But not this sweet baby B. He was alert and adorable and such a wonderful age to photograph. His big eyes and adorable big cheeks coupled with his loving parents made for a wonderful morning in Bishop's Garden.

This Boy is One {Washington DC Baby Photography}

I was so excited to see this family again. I met this little guy when he was only a week old, last year and he had the same beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair then. He is now more mobile and more awake but the same sweet babe. His mom made their clothes for this session which made these photos even more special. I loved seeing this family again and hope to continue to photograph baby L.


One Happy Baby {Washington DC Family Photography}

I happen to be friends with their parents so I would have enjoyed photographing them no matter what. But this baby smiled and cooed for most of the session which made it even better. We lucked out on a beautiful spring morning with sunny skies. I hope this little babies continues to be as full of smiles as she is now.

She Turns One! {Washington DC Family Photography}

I met this Capitol Hill family last year when the mom contacted me for a newborn session when their tiny little girl arrived. I was so excited to photograph them a year later to celebrate this little girl turning one. She's no longer a sleepy newborn and was full of opinions and personality. We did all sorts of things to get her to smile and ended our session at the playground where she was happiest. I can't wait to watch her grow even more!


Time with a Toddler {Washington DC Family Photography}

I've known this little guy since he was born. I photographed him almost a year ago when he was first sitting up so it was great to get a chance to photograph him now that he is a full blown toddler. His adorable curls and easy going personality made for a fun spring morning in Bishop's Garden. I can't wait to continue to watch him grow.

Sweet Baby in the Garden {Washington DC Family Photography}

This mom contacted at a perfect time. By the time we scheduled our session, her sweet little girl was just about 7 months which is a great age to capture. Her mellow and friendly personality shined and I loved capturing her in the morning light in beautiful Bishop's Garden. She was happy to show off her newest skill of sitting up and loved looking around at all of the sights of the gardens. I loved capturing this little girl and look forward to watching her grow.